February 22, 2011

I would go through all this pain .

If i could , I would . I wish I can back to previous , back to last year , then i can change everything . If I could , I would rather not appear in this world if I can choose . Everything will change , become better , at least better than now .

Why I always can't find anyone when I am sad . Loneliness kills again . Why this world should appear so much of emotion , why can't everyone just live without loving , caring . Then everything will seem better . People will not sad .

The words hurt . but who cares ?


  1. You also didn't find me (?)
    Yeah, agree with what you think

  2. I'm here :(
    always don't want to find me la!!
    Haihs, I agree with you :(
    the word loneliness really kills me
